Docker container hijack?

It’s wild when you accidentally step upon something intended, yet benign? Something like that happened a few months back when I was volunteering at DEF CON Delhi Group 9111, managing the CTF infrastructure. The story As any sane & quick CTF organizer, the approach was simple. Registrations and challenge descriptions hosted on CTFd. Challenges themselves were dockerized and deployed as their own containers inside a Ubuntu Server VM. A nginx reverse-proxy to handle traffic on the basis of FQDN (VHOST).

fork() bombing windows

Introduction 💡 DISCLAIMER: The content presented in this write-up is for educational purposes only. It demonstrates concepts related to computer security, system processes, and vulnerabilities. The information provided is not intended to encourage or condone any form of malicious activity. Users are expected to use this knowledge responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The author does not endorse or support any illegal or unauthorized use of the information presented in this write-up.